Online v Traditional Christmas Gift Shopping

 GirlZone show you how to get the balance right when buying gifts for girls

It’s a sign of the times when major retailers are closing down their stores on the high street, but people’s lives are changing and the way we shop for gifts is changing too. But we think a mix of both online and traditional shopping is the perfect combination during the Christmas shopping season and if you get it right, you’ll have your feet up with a glass of Gluhwein by 1st December!

Gifts for Girls

Amazon Gift Wrap Service

We all know how family time is precious, so a day out shopping has to take a back seat sometimes – and how do you do your Christmas gift shopping with the kids in toe?! You may be in a full time job, or juggling being a full time mum / carer or grandparent during the day – so there’s just no time to go shopping! And when that school bell rings – the second half of your day starts….BREATHE…..after school clubs pick up; homework; dinner; eat your vegetables battle; bathtime; cleaning teeth properly battle; reading; bedtime….BREATHE….then ‘me’ time……or…..time for shopping ONLINE! Yasssss!!

The joy of gift shopping online especially with Amazon is:

  1. You can find unique gifts for girls which aren’t on the high street
  2. You can sign up to Prime and get the gifts delivered the next day (oh how we love this!)
  3. Their returns policy is just fabulous – no hassle, thank you very much.
  4. You can now watch video reviews of the products – see the girly gifts in action!
  5. Amazon will do all your Christmas wrapping for you…..uh…..yes! No brainer.

Want to know the best part?

Amazon helps with stress when your little one announces two days before Christmas that what she ‘reeealllllly wants’ is…..a Unicorn !!!!!

Log into Amazon, add to basket, job done. BREATHE


GirlZone Unicorn Gift

So here’s the deal – you still need to schedule in a day to do some traditional Christmas shopping right? Because your high street needs you, you need a decent coffee, the kids want to have a go on the outdoor ice rink and the Christmas Market smells soooo goooood!

So we’ve put together your ultimate xmas shopping schedule for you:

Get the kids to write their Santa lists under these headings:

Creative / Arty gifts

Silly fun gifts

Beauty / Makeup gifts

Soft toys

Useful gifts

Then ……

Log into Amazon and the GirlZone shopfront -make a list of all the potential gifts (make sure the kids don’t have access to your Amazon account!! They will see their list to Santa and you’ll have all sorts of questions to answer!)

Decide whether you want Amazon to wrap all your Christmas presents for you.

Order all the gifts and wait for delivery either via Prime or standard delivery.

Clear out a cupboard in the house to store the gifts!

Take delivery of your gifts and store them in a child free place.

Be smug

December – visit your local high street for gifts that you prefer to buy traditionally and that aren’t for the kids (!), take the kids to the ice rink, drink coffee, visit the Christmas Market and eat a boat load of German sausage.

Be smug

December 21st – realise you’ve forgotten to buy the ultimate magical colour changing Sequin Pillow. Noooo! Order at Amazon for next day delivery. Phew! Done.

Gluwhein and Eggnog ready and waiting.
