Acer Predator X27 Looks Back: Gaming Monitor of the World

Acer Predator X27 Looks Back: Gaming Monitor of the World

Acer Predator X27 Looks Back: Dream Gamer Monitor

In the skin category of goods and attachments, in the case of such combinations, the selection is oriented towards the most powerful category of coristuvachiv and to rob the main emphasis not on the available variety, but on the maximum, uncompromising ability. The Acer company won the prize itself for the first hour of the development of its gaming monitor Predator X27, which (depending on the characteristics) looks like an ultimatum solution for the most powerful gamers, if you are ready to spend a significant amount, take the maximum.

Chim vin tsikaviy?

Acer Predator X27 look: Mriї-2 gaming monitor

What does the kit have?

Acer Predator X27 look: Mriї-3 gaming monitor

The Acer Predator X27 comes in a large dark gray box. On the box there is an image of the monitor and anonymous information that reflects the features of the model. At the top of the box there is a cover for instructions for unpacking. There is no sense to describe step by step, but the set is simply inconspicuous: the monitor itself at the box is already a choice (for reasons of glibin at the box, it’s even more significant), for which I’m sorry. Monitor clamp, complete set includes power cable, main live block, lens hood for monitor (earlier they were equipped with professional models for robots with photo and video), adapter for VESA mounting on the wall with screws for mounting, additional mounting for headset, USB 3.0 cable Type-A to Type-B for the hub (I didn’t get the wine before us, but write on the Internet what it is), DisplayPort cable, instructions and a call about factory calibration:

Acer Predator X27 look at: Mriї-4 gaming monitor

What does the Acer Predator X27 look like?

Acer Predator X27 look at: Mriї-5 gaming monitor

Designers were able to strike a balance between the aggressiveness of game models and practicality. The old-fashioned Acer Predator X27 looks like an accessory to gaming devices, at the same time, the Acer Predator X27 does not look ugly, but rather brightly. A large part of the body is crushed from practical matte plastic in black color. The monitor cannot boast of its fashionable "frameless" at the same time: there are frames, but the stench does not work, the monitor looks good. Three decorative elements in front and only the logo of the Predator gaming line under the screen:

Acer Predator X27 look: Mriї-6 gaming monitor

The monitor’s stand can be cunningly uncluttered, looking more neat and stylish. Ale, disregarding the outward minimalism, it showed up with a very massive, that steady metal construction: